Ageing Ageing is a time-dependent progressive decline in physiological function of an organism that goes along with decreased fertility and increased susceptibility to endogenous and external threats, leading to a …
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Seasonality is observed in almost all infectious diseases. This seasonality is observed in respiratory infections such as influenza, to diarrhoeal diseases such as cholera and vector-borne diseases such as malaria. …
The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word Yug which means to join. Yoga enhances joining of body and mind, and also of Atman (soul) and Brahman (supersoul), which …
Exercise has many beneficial effects on health. Benefits on Mental Health Not only does exercise decrease stress and prevent depression and improve/maintain a good mood and mental function by affecting …
Sugar belongs to the group of carbohydrates and can have several detrimental effects on our health. Sugars are relatively small molecules, which give a short energy boost but they leave …
Biology of Sleep Light is of key importance in regulating sleep and the production of sleep hormone melatonin. The circadian clock coordinates biology and behaviour of humans with daily environmental …
Factors influencing skin ageing Factors affecting skin ageing include sun exposure, stress, inflammation, sugars, smoking and alcohol. The effects of these factors include dehydration, lower blood supply to the skin …
Free radicals Free radicals are reactive chemical species having a single unpaired electron. This is an unstable conformation leading to reactions with adjacent molecules: proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. Oxygen …
What is meditation? When active concentration is uninterrupted without a single disturbing thought one is meditating. This state is not that easy to reach. Fortunately, hard and disciplined practice will …
Nowadays in modern society everyone is experiencing stress in different situations. Stress is the result of too much physical and/or psychological strain. The body protects itself by reacting according to …
The human body is built out of approximately 20% proteins. Proteins form the basis of all life processes, since they are absolutely essential for each metabolic process and amino acids …
The Swan is an important motif in the Advaita Vedanta philosophy. The Advaita Vedanta is the oldest extant sub-school of Vedanta, an ancient Hindu tradition of scriptural exegesis and religious …
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