Sunday Raja Yoga class: the eight limbs of yoga

Weekly Sunday Raja Yoga class: the eight limbs of yoga. During each yoga lesson we go briefly into one of the eight limbs: Yama: moral codes, Niyama: personal discipline, Asana: body postures, Pratyahara: withdrawal of senses, Pranayama: control of prana, Dharana: concentration, Dhyan: meditation, Samadhi: spiritual absorption.

I am an experienced scientist in medical biology and a teacher in the teacher training programme of the ancient (>2500 years old) Himalayan Yoga Meditation Tradition (Raja Yoga). 

Details: Every Sunday from 10.00 -11.30

Weekly Raja Yoga class: the eight limbs of yoga.

Tijdens elke yogales zullen we kort de acht ledematen van yoga behandelen. Yama: morele codes, Niyama: persoonlijke discipline, Asana: lichaamshoudingen, Pratyahara: terugtrekking van zintuigen, Pranayama: controle van prana/ademhalingsoefeningen, Dharana: concentratie, Dhyan: meditatie, Samadhi: spirituele absorptie. Ik ben een ervaren wetenschapper in de medische biologie en een student-teacher in het teacher training programma van de eeuwenoude (>2500 jaar oude) Himalaya Yoga Meditatie Traditie (Raja Yoga).

Details: iedere zondag van 10.00 -11.30

Speciale prijs | Special Price: €20,- per month (only when you register in August/September 2022)

Registration via +31 6 20 77 90 86

Met vriendelijke groet/Kind regards,
dr. Vinod Sommandas, Master of Science in Medical Biology, Doctor of Philosophy in Immunology, CEO/Wellbeing Tutor Vedanta Wellbeing PhD

#yoga #rajayoga #himalayan #tradition #meditation #rotterdam

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